Now Andropeyronie®, PRP and surgery are the unique options to treat Peyronie’s disease in Europe, Asia and Australia.

Andromedical announces that now the only methods available in these continents to treat Peyronie’s disease are the penile traction device named Andropeyronie®, PRP (platelet rich plasma) and surgery, because the American E.P. laboratory has withdrawn its Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum (CCH) injection by the end of 2019. The American Urological Association (AUA) and the Canadian Urological Association (CUA) have proposed a medical protocol based on binding collagenase injections together with daily use of the penile traction device to treat Peyronie’s disease. Now the E.P. laboratory has decided to withdraw the collagenase for economic reasons. As a result, the drug is no longer available except in the US and Canada. Now in the rest of the world, the most effective treatments for Peyronie’s disease are surgery, PRP and Penile Traction Device (which is the most cost-effective method). See communication:


Peyronie’s disease (PD) is an accumulation of collagen in the penis that forms a scar, producing a deformity and pain in the erectile state. This disease affects between 1%-8% of men. Andromedical has patented as well as researched the Penile Traction Device named Andropeyronie®, a device to treat Peyronie’s disease. Based on a medical research study published in The Journal of Sexual Medication (2013, Dr. Martínez-Salamanca et al.), Andropeyronie® reduces the penile curvature in greater than 60 percent, with a discomfort reduction and an improvement in the men´s health. More information:


Also, Andromedical laboratory announces the great potential of a new combined therapy to treat Peyronie’s disease based on platelet rich fibrin matrix (PRFM or activated-PRP) with Andropeyronie, a penile traction device (PTD) designed to treat penile curvatures. Now urologists, their patients and health insurance companies may have a cost-effective alternative to collagenase and surgery to treat Peyronie’s disease.

In 2018 Dr. Terlecki (USA) published a clinical study on the use of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) in Peyronie’s disease whose conclusions were that the activated-PRP or PRFM appears to be a safe and feasible treatment, more than 80% of patients improved in their degree of curvature. PRP is derived from the centrifugation of whole blood. Evidence suggests that platelets play an important role in tissue repair, vascular remodeling and inflammatory and immune responses through secretion of growth factors, cytokines and chemokines. The mean receipt of 2 injections per patient (range, 1-8) were placed directly into tunical plaques under ultrasound guidance. See study:


The world of urology is advancing rapidly and many clinics are beginning to use this promising combined therapy of platelet rich plasma with penile traction therapy in hopes of wound healing and tissue regeneration. New treatment options for Peyronie’s disease are opening up, with benefits for patients, urologists and health insurance companies. Therapy of PRP with PTD is an effective treatment without side effects, easily performed in the doctor’s office and a cost-effective alternative to other therapies or surgeries. More company details:

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